Tuesday 28 December 2010

Meet the Neighbours

Thanks to the talking tree for the welcome back, and when the snows here first started, I did think of you. Then after making that posting last night I heard of the snow storms over there, and just like an American you have to do it bigger. Well at least I now know what its like to have four feet of snow, temperatures of minus 18 and to be snowed in for four days.

As I hope to show with a few more images, it is actually a really nice place to be living in. When I moved to the previous village I was in, people would ask why have I moved there? But here, people say “Oh that's a nice place to live” They also add that it can be difficult in the winter as the snow can (and does) drift cutting off the road. But all and all, people have said its a great location.

The village itself is actually in the fold of a hill, just two hundred metres from a high peak. Thus the poor cellular reception, but I do get great TV reception as I can see the TV mast from the back of the house. As I am antisocial and don’t like talking on the phone that much, at least I can blame reception for that.

Also the people seem to be reasonably nice here too. And even though its a small village of only 240 people, there are two pubs. One is my neighbour, so I don’t have far to stagger for a drink. Additionally there are great food shops within easy reach. Well as long as the public transport is running. Although I can easily walk into the next village and back for the shops there. Even though I have returned frozen to the bone and found it warmer in the fridge than outside at times.

But in spite of my moans, its great to be back.

1 comment:

tree ocean said...

cute pic. Sounds lovely!

My town is about 500 but we are spread over a large area. 9 miles to the nearest store.

We didn't get much snow it just drifted in places. Somep laces bare ground some places 4 feet. I think they said 16 inches.