Wednesday 14 March 2012

Diets and Exploitation

As my regular reader will already know, I set up my own little business selling Herbs & Spices. This has been expanding so I now sell a comprehensive range of botanical's for healing too. From the moment I started selling these, I have had a steady flow of emails. The well known auction site requires that your personal details are there for all to find.

Initially this was useful as it gave me some vital clues regarding the herbs that people were looking for, and helped me expand the range. Even now I still have not got all that I would like to stock, but in time I will add to the range. However, the flow of emails has now become a flood. While I have always tried to be helpful to folks questions, and guide them in the right direction, there are limits to the questions I can answer. Further, it would be all to easy to just say buy this, or use this. When often the conditions they are seeking treatment(s) for are far to complex for simplistic solutions.

Here the law actually helps, as there are legal limits upon any claims that can be made for Medicinal Herbs. As while this can be seen as a cop out on my part, often I just can not treat people at a distance. If I had been calculating and cynical, I could have exploited this and sold loads more.

So it was with a degree of concern that I got an email from a woman asking for herbs to treat two conditions. As with all complimentary forms of healing, I could see the two conditions were linked and there was also a third issue that probably needed addressing too. I replied but said that I just do not have the time as her conditions were far to complex for simplistic solutions.

The reply I got back was hostile and hurtful, but I am a big mouse now, and while it hurt I will get over that. However, it highlights the problem of people wanting “Quick Fixes” for problems.

One of her problems was that she was overweight. While there are people that will sell herbs that are supposed to “make the pounds fall off” I know that it really needs folks to change eating patterns and habits for people to loose weight and keep it off. Therefore my ethics just stop me from exploiting people like this. This is why I will never be rich.

While I do not want to, nor am I intending to offend anyone, but unless you are one of the rare people who have an under active thyroid, the reason you are carrying a few extra pounds is you are consuming more calories than you are using. Therefore, it is each individual that can control their weight. I know that is far more easier said than done, and it is often a positive supportive friend that people need more than wasting money on supposed quick fixes.

Further, many of the health problems that people suffer from would be greatly reduced and often eliminated. Therefore my general advice regarding diet is find a supportive friend and eat yourself well.

1 comment:

Haddock said...

First time here.
I think keeping off sugar & Oil with moderate exercise is the trick.