Thursday 17 April 2008

Looking for Otters and Oystercatcher film

Today has been a cold and uncomfortable day for me. While out shopping last week, I got into conversation with a chap who told me that near his home, every morning, he saw the Otters that live on the river, more specifically a female and pup. So I took him up on the offer of him showing me the location.

As promised, the potential viewing point would be perfect, and the signs looked as though the Otters were indeed using the spot very regularly. Therefore I set up the camera and started what turned out to be a long wait. My position, laying on my belly meant that I presented no silhouette and with the wind more or less in my face, I was expectant.

As expected the ground was damp and as showers are a feature of April, I soon became saturated. I waited, but not a sign of the Otters did I see. Once it was two hours past the latest time that the Otters had ever been seen, I decided to withdraw. As I emerged from my vantage point, I realised that my guide had been standing there most of the time and in full view of any wildlife. He told me that he couldn't understand it as the otters had been there every day, until the weekend. It was then that he reviled that he had taken a large party down to the river, and while they had seen them briefly they had not stayed.

I explained that it was likely that he and his friends had probably frightened them off. While disappointing, at least I know where the otters have been recently and I may see them at a latter time.

Well, while that was disappointing I did get something done today. I opened an account on U Tube and I posted one of my videos on there. But so as my loyal reader here doesn't miss out here it is for your delectation.

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