Saturday, 14 June 2008

Freedoms and the Press

Yesterday I made a posting regarding the actions of David Davies in resigning his seat in parliament to force a debate on the removal of our legal freedoms. I was bracing myself for attack as most people seem to think that the measure is warranted. But as that assumes the police only ever arrest the guilty, something that is blatantly not true.

Anyway, one reader made a comment, that sparked this follow up. First, she said;

“I still think Ray was the better songwriter”
Well as I can not think of Ray Davies when ever I hear the name of DD...

But there serious part of her comment was pertinent that of the speed that this measure has gone through the house of commons without any public debate.

The fact that Rupert Murdock has told Kelvin Mackenzie to stand speaks volumes about how un-free our press is, and why there has not been any real debate on this issue. Yesterday on the Today Programme, the BBC's flagship News programme on radio four, at 7:40 Kelvin Mackenzie was interviewed and he admitted that he was told to stand by Rupert Murdock, and he admitted he always does what RM says.

That means that Rupert Murdock is controlling the public debate on serious issues. Via his newspapers and his television channels he has stirred up hateful attitudes to the European Union and foreign workers. All bad enough but when we are talking about something as vital as our freedoms and liberties, having one powerful man closing down debate is appalling. It is a media dictatorship.

Because of this I have taken some time to go and look at what his (Rupert Murdock's) papers are saying, not just this issue but that of Climate Change. It is clear that RM is a “Climate Denier“ and it is no wonder that most people believe that Climate Change is a myth.

With people like Gordon Brown, George W Bush and Rupert Murdock running things it is no wonder that we are in the upper reaches of a fast flowing highly polluted river with out any means of propulsion.

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