Friday 10 October 2008

The Owl and the Frog

With history being created around the world I thought I would return to Natural History. On Thursday night I stepped out of the back door to put out some rubbish. I noticed a small shape in the shadows and when I looked it was a common frog. I went back in quickly to get the video and as I was setting it up I also spotted the shape of something on the wall by the gate. It was a Barn Owl, who screeched at me as it took to the air. That was one dinner the owl was not getting. Had I realised what was going on I could have filmed an Owl hunting, but I missed filming the owl. But the frog I had not lost and took some footage of the frog. As soon as I get my computer problems resolved I will be posting it here.

All a nice treat, and it shows that you can never predict what will turn up.

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