I have had a really busy weekend. I was up and out early to check on the Badger setts. Not to see the badgers but to ensure that there has been no interference as while there is not a massive problem here with Badger Baiting or Badger digging it does go on. Thus I try and keep an eye on what's happening. As I did not want to take the tripod I decided to leave the camera at home too. Well I wished I had not as after checking one of the Setts I saw a Fox. I stopped and was able to observe him for a good ten minutes. He was scavenging, I had seen a dead pigeon on the way to the Sett and he was “Hunting” it. What foxes do is they pounce on their pray even if it is dead, I guess that its just to prove that he is a real hunter. It would have made a great sequence.
Then I still had to go and get some shopping so I went for the Supermarket bus. While waiting I spotted one of the Red Kites, if anything else this was a good wildlife day. There was nothing exceptional about the shopping other than the cost, I can not see where all these price cuts they keep on advertising are. Then as the bus was leaving Consett, on a planted roundabout I spotted a waxwing. There was likely to be more as they are normally seen in flocks. As the roundabout had ornamental shrubs covered with berries so this was obviously a roadside feeding station for these Scandinavian berry eaters.
Then to keep Saturday full, I went over to Tynemouth. As in the news there is discussions about the fishing quota that is due to be set by the European Union, I wanted to see if I could get a more accurate picture by talking to some of the fishermen. Now I have a clear picture of he official situation, as I discovered when I lived in North Shields, not all the fish that gets landed is officially recorded. Therefore I wanted to get a clearer picture of what if any “Black” fish are being landed.
But before I met with my contact I went for a wander around the market that is held at the station at Tynemouth. As there are a few Second hand book sellers there I do like to see what there. I spotted some natural history books, well one was a different edition to the bird guide that is my primary source. Its not a field guide as its far to large, but its an excellent book. I picked it up to see the price, I did not have a spare arm, so I would not be buying it. But I did notice that it had an error slip in it. When published two very similar birds were given each others name. The Tree Sparrow was called the House Sparrow. Well I latter checked my own copy and it was the same. Now as I learnt my bird identification from using this book, I have had it for over thirty years, it looks as though I have been misidentifying these birds for years.
One thing that I did buy was a remote controller for my video camera. It was designed for a much older model but as it was new and just obsolete I took a chance and bought it. It works and is ideal for many wildlife filming situations. So I am really pleased.
Well I did finally get close to the true picture, but I will leave that for a latter full posting.
I then had a stressful journey home as I was not sure I was going to make the connection with the bus home. While I had the resources for a taxi if I needed I have better things to do with thirty pounds. Well I made it just, had it not been for another passenger that was struggling with his money, I think he was about 40% proof, I would have missed it.
The following day the Sunday, I was up and out very early. I wanted to get down to the bird hides that the local authority provide on its nature reserves. I have a pass key and that three pounds is the best value purchase I have ever made. However, when I got to the first one I wanted to film from I realised that because of the Ice covering the water. So I started to pack up when someone else came in. Now that normally would not be a problem as other birders will have a key. But this was no birdwatcher he was a young man that was intoxicated and I don't think from alcohol either.
Now I should explain to my overseas reader that it is now illegal to smoke in any enclosed public spaces. This young man lit up a cigarette. I did not say anything but I looked and that got a very aggressive reaction from him. Had I been able to I would have just left but he was blocking my way to the door. Anyway I then had to spend four hours of fruitless birdwatching while keeping an eye on him. Eventually he did leave and without incident. I didn't allow him to see that I was scared.
Anyway, I left the hide locking it, and went for a wander around the pond. At one end of the pond it was ice free. I did cause some disturbance when I moved to a good position but the birds soon settled back down and I did get some interesting footage. But while I was hiding behind the reeds, I spotted one of this years Cygnets was coming along the edge of the pond towards me. I turned the camera on it. It came closer and closer, then suddenly it realised I was there. The young Swan was just three feet from me and hissing at me. Well I filmed the encounter and I have no doubt that it would have gone for me had I not moved away, keeping the tripod between us. The bird then went down a track to the water. It was a regular bird track but as the water was frozen there I did not think that any bird would use it. Well I then filmed the Swan as it broke its way across and through the ice. When I can put that up you will see that it was not a dignified journey.
Not long after the light started to fade and I made my way home. I was very tired and eating I fell asleep on the sofa. I am sure I would have stayed there had I not had a fat over fed cat leap on me.
7 years ago
looking forward to the swan footage. :)
except for the smoker (who turned out to be harmless) that sounds like a nearly perfect day for you. I look forward to seeing the cygnet. Swans are vicious brutes--one once chased me clear across a lake (I was rowing a boat at the time)
Hi Wood Mouse,
I thought the whale shark was the largest fish in the sea?
I saw a humpback whale poop once. It wasn't one of the more memorable sights I've seen, but it was certainly unforgettable.
Woops I meant the Whale shark.
Well you spotted my deliberate mistake.
Now if I could have some help finding my brain...
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