When I attended the local Amnesty meeting, there were two people of conscience that were highlighted. However being cynical old Wood Mouse, I don't just accept all or any information I am given without question. Therefore I have been doing my own research and investigations. While Amnesty International is an organisation that I trust to be truthful and accurate, I still feel that I have a duty to ensure that if I am going to write on a topic that I don't just want repeat what everyone else saying. Also I want to ensure that my postings are accurate.
While it will be a little while before I make that (these) postings, doing the research has thrown up even more cases of abuses of human rights. The problem is that I alone can not ever hope to highlight all of these examples. But it really does show what a messed up world we have.
As I have mentioned here before, there are many posting that I have drafted but as I was lacking corroboration on the facts, or where something has been alleged. But I lacked the detail to ensure that I was accurate. However, on one story, while researching the Human Rights issues I think I found the facts relating to one of the issues that I was at dead end with.
I will be returning to regular blogging soon, but I needed time to carry out the research. On a much lighter note, while sitting on the sofa with my favourite person, I saw a Tawny Owl in daylight fly over and towards the trees where it disappeared from view. While an owl in daylight is a rare sight, as just days ago the long grass was cut for hay, revealing the small rodents, my guess is that the owl was just taking advantage of the new larder.
It is these delights, and my favourite female human, that help keep me sane.
7 years ago
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