While sitting and working yesterday, writing, I was able to observe the little spider that has made her home in the top corner of the window. She is only a centimetre long and is outside and sits by her web at the top of the frame and rushes out when ever a tiny fly lands in her lair. The first time she came out it seemed to be so that she could repair the web and was using her front legs to tighten the web and keep the orb tidy.
Then latter I saw her rush to an aphid size fly that had landed in the web but the fly got away, so no meal for her that time. I went away and when I returned with my obligatory cup of tea, I am English, she was sitting there feeding on another small fly.
Then today, I noticed that there was a second spider there, a male. Now I don't know if they have attempted to mate yet, but I will keep an eye open for that. I would like to film this but if it happens at night I may not be able to get a light on this as the light would reflect off the glass. At the very least I hope that I can see it even if I can not film it.
Talking of seeing things, yesterday evening after the heavy rain had cleared, I was actually looking to see if the rain had stopped, I spotted two Sparrow hawks flying as a pair over the roof tops at the back. I think they were both juvenile or sub adult males but I can not be sure.
7 years ago
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