Tuesday 14 August 2007

A Shared Love of the Countryside

Today has been a rather interesting day for me as I am to become a local countryside ranger. As the readers of my previous Blog will know, but my new reader will not, I am actively involved with trying to do my bit to help look after the local environment and the countryside I love. Further rather than just complain about this or that not being done, I get involved with taking practical measures to keep the natural environment a great place for the flora and fauna as well as for the people who I share it with.

This lead me to apply to become a local countryside warden/ranger, the titles are interchangeable as the only real qualification is to be foolish enough to want to get stuck in to doing the messy work. However, for this I have had to undergo a CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) check. Now I have nothing to hide nor anything to fear, as this purely about child protection. The only difficulty is trying to get all the dates right of when I lived at different addresses. As my life has been somewhat peripatetic get those details right can be difficult. For people that stay in the same place all their lives, it is no problem, for me it is. I don’t always have the best memory for dates and an anniversary as it is (Is that why I am Divorced?) therefore trying to remember that sort of detail is difficult to say the least. But with that done I can at least start doing more practical conservation undertakings.

Then quite by chance I got on the bus to go home and found my neighbours on there too. I have not that long moved to my present address and I am lucky to have some good, no great, neighbours. They are an elderly couple, and while on the bus from talking I discovered that we shared an interest in wildlife and the countryside. Further they now understand why I have been seen wandering about in the early mornings or late at night looking like an extra from Springwatch!

This is not the only bit of practical conservation work that I am involved in either, as this weekend, there is a task that I am leading for another organisation called the “Friends of Chopwell Wood” (FoCW). It will be the first one that I have lead for this organisation, but I have lead tasks before when I volunteered with the BTCV (British Trust for Conservation Volunteers) in London. However, this will be a whole different ball game as with the FoCW we only have a small core group of volunteers to carry out the practical work, and we never know if any of member of the public will turn up to help. Incidentally if anyone reading this wants to help you are welcome to come along to Chopwell wood we meet at the forest classroom at 10 am. (Blatant Plug over)

However my activities today has prevented me from getting out and taking one of my regular wildlife walks. I am lucky as I do live in a wildlife rich environment, and while there is no guarantee that I will see wildlife, I must say that I normally do see something worth commentating on. It was this fact that initially prompted me to start keeping an on line journal in the first place.

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