Friday 24 August 2007

To Task or Not to Task, that is the Question

One of the difficulties that the Friends of Chopwell Wood has with the work that in undertakes in the forest is simply the availability of volunteers. Every one of the volunteers that come out on days when there is practical work to do puts in an amazing amount of effort. However, as an organisation we always have more work to be done and not enough “volunteer days” to do and complete the work.

The task last weekend was a case in point; because of the weather we could not fully complete the work that was scheduled. Thus the Chairman of the FoCW and this mouse decided we would try and get some of the important elements done between us.

This does create a dilemma for us as an organisation as by doing the work between us, we can reduce the opportunities for people who genuinely want to help. However, with the job not fully completed, there was a real risk that vandals or other intent on destruction could undo all the work that had been completed. As the main reason why the task was necessary in the first place was due to an act of destruction, placed the site at risk. Therefore we needed to get the work to a point where it was at less risk. This is what this mouse and the Chairman did.

The rest of the work will need to be completed soon and will be rescheduled as an additional task thus providing the opportunity for volunteers to help.

This one of the greatest challenges for any organisation that relies upon the help of volunteers, that of ensuring you can provide them with interesting work. I know myself when volunteering with the BTCV, there were some tasks that were just plain monotonous. The work was necessary but boring. Therefore, we, the Friends of Chopwell Wood, need to be aware that we don’t just do all the interesting bits ourselves and we keep all our tasks open to the public.

It may surprise some of my readers (Okay Reader), that we are open to anyone. Volunteers do not need to be members or to become members, but we will try and get you to sign on the dotted line. As a small organisation we do not have enough members who are capable and willing to undertake some of the work required. For instance, one of the tasks that will be occurring soon (Watch this Space) is the construction of hibernacula for grass snakes. Because of the location of these structures it will require some manual digging. Not everyone is capable of such hard labour, but by being open to all, we may find that we have some very capable people on the task. Also volunteering for a task like this does mean you get into bits of the wood you never normally would have access to. It is one of the aspects I love about doing stuff like this myself.

Therefore, yesterday the Chair and the Mouse did some of the heavy work on the Tubs Task rescheduling the rest for the weekend of 1st September. So if you have nothing to do…

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