Friday 17 August 2007

Wildlife and the Supermarket

I had hopes that today I could take some time out and obtain some much-needed rest. But as the old saying goes the best laid plans of mice… Well this mouse found that his plans were all put to rest a long while ago. Thus apart from tackling housework and all that, I had to make a trip to the supermarket today as well.

Where I have been so busy combined with the exertions of yesterday as well, I over slept this morning. Normally I do rise much earlier than do most people, half past four to five in the morning is not an unusual occurrence for me. But today it was gone nine. That had the consequence that I missed the free bus to the Tesco store in the main town. Not that this was a major problem as I could still get the afternoon one. However, with all that I needed to do I suddenly found myself running out of morning. Thus I shot up to the post office, we are lucky as the government have failed to close this one down yet, and on the way I saw that the council were cutting the long grass behind the village bus shelter.

This large expanse of grass is allowed to grow long providing shelter for insects and wild flowers. While far from a perfect natural history site it is still a good place for wildlife. Further, as I was walking towards the post office I was thinking that it would not be long before the Red Kites find this and start looking for food there. Then as I look up, there was one of the Red Kites, seeing that cheered me up no end.

Walking back I tried to see where the Kite might have gone but I couldn’t see it and guessed that it must have gone further a field than the village. Just in case it was lower down or even on the ground picking up a feed I scanned the area of the cut grass, to
My astonishment I saw a hare suddenly run out of a small hollow in the ground and disappear rapidly from my sight. While I knew that hares were around, it is the first time that I can positively say that I have seen one and that I may have seen a rabbit that I had misidentified as a hare.

Then a short time latter while waiting for the bus to take me to the supermarket, I spotted the Red Kite again, clearly quartering a field. They are a magnificent sight, so graceful and elegant, it made me feel less frustrated at having to waste my time doing the weekly shopping.

The picture is of quarry pond that others and I were working on yesterday.

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