Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Feeding the Birds

As well as feeding the birds, I also put out some cat food as I regularly have a hedgehog that visits my yard. I was aware that some of the birds that visit are also feeding on this. Yesterday morning getting up early, I noted that the food had not been taken by the hedgehog.

However, I left it there as I knew that birds like the Magpie and Jackdaw would take the food. Failing that, there are cats from the neighbourhood who would garner a free feed.

As I sat writing my notes from another night of Badger watching, I was treated to a veritable parade of birds coming to feed in the yard. I think that it was the magpie that got the lions share. But what made the situation remarkable, was at one point I heard the vocalizations of Jackdaws, looking up I saw them mobbing a Red Kite that was just circling over my roof.

I sat back and watched in amazement as the Kite attempted a decent into my yard. It was only the presence of my solar powered clothes dryer (Washing Line), that prevented the Kite landing.
To be so close to such a bird was incredible, but it does make me wonder if the kite would have been able to eat the cat food. I just don't know.

Anyway, the picture is one that I took the other day, just to remind me that spring is here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great photo! I can imagine Frodo and Bilbo Baggins appearing around the bend!
