Sunday, 10 August 2008


Because I frequently listen to the BBC World Service as well as other intelligent speech radio, as opposed to music radio, I am rarely surprised when conflicts break out. There is normally a build up of tension long before fighting breaks out. With Georgia and South Ossetia this came out of the blue.

Now while the situation is still not clear as to who started this, the situation is a very dangerous one. Had Georgia been a member of NATO as it could have been, then we in the UK would have a treaty obligation to defend the country. That factor would have and will have the potential for an escalation into a full war between Russia and the west.

I don't think for one minute that there is any wish or intention for this war to escalate but there is a real risk that this could happen. All it needs is a mistake in the heat of battle, or a retaliatory action and the tensions widen. Then all it takes is a misinterpreted action to spark more fighting.

From what I understand about Georgia, the government there is a populous dictatorship and because of strategic importance of the area, we in the west are supporting this government.

However, the events as reported, seem to show that this was a fight that Georgia started. Declaring a ceasefire then moving in artillery and firing rockets into South Ossetia does seem to indicate where the blame lays. As for the timing, doing this while the Russian president was in Beijing for the opening of the Olympics seems to show that Georgia expected a delay in any Russian action because of that. As with anyone who starts a war they always miscalculate what will happen.

I just hope that everyone involved in this conflict will see sense and quickly as there are already to many deaths from this war.

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