Thursday 16 April 2009

The New Podcast

Firstly, I have to report that at the weekend I saw Orange Tip Butterflies on the wing and the first House Martin, so while the weather has turned colder during the week, Spring really is here.

I have finally got the last major component for the computer sorted out. Because of the previous technical difficulties I had, I wanted to have a removable Hard Drive so that I could fully back up not just the important files but all the files. This I have finally fitted, so I now have three Hard Drives in the machine. While to a casual reader this may seem over the top, in this way I can handle the storage demands of video.

One other benefit of the major overhaul of the new machine is that the machine can now deal with the stuff filmed on dodgy tapes and I have already recovered some footage that I had thought lost and unusable. Therefore, I will go back and see if there is more I can recover, once I have dealt with my currant backlog. Even with the new machine being faster, I suspect that I will have to stop filming before I ever truly get the backlog cleared. Will that happen, well dear reader I will let you guess on that question.

As over the last couple of weeks there has been nearly nothing on the television that I would want to watch, now is there not a song by The Boss (BS) about just this? It has enabled me to get more done than I had expected. Also, I am just so fed up with all the negative news at the moment. While I still am keeping myself informed, I am just sick of all our so called leaders playing silly games and acting like four year olds. Well at the moment if any of the buggers want my vote they need to stop calling each other names and behaving as though they deserve being made a scout long before they can expect to be elected as an MP.

Anyway, because of not watching television I have rediscovered bits of radio that I have not heard for a while. I am a great fan of speech radio, Radio Four, Radio Seven and the World Service, and it has been a delight. I am seriously considering not replacing my television when Digital Switch Over arrives. For several years I did not have a television, and while there are a few things I would miss occasionally, I have watched so little that I can not see the justification in buying a new television or getting the equipment to adapt to digital. So many of the platforms and set top boxes etc. Have become defunct even before digital fully arrives. Also, everyone is now switching to satellite transmission, so even if I do get a new aerial and TV it could still mean that in a few years even this could be defunct. As an environmentalist I would rather not waste my money or the planets resources.

There has been a further advantage in not having used the “Idiot Box”, is that I have had more time to think. While I can sometimes do this while out watching wildlife, often my mind is highly alert so I don't have the time. So I have been able to sort out and finally produce something I have wanted to do for ages; that is a podcast. I have spoken about doing one for ages, and below is the first one. I hope to make it a regular weekly one, it may become fortnightly, but I have had fun doing it. I do have some other ideas that I may try too, but it really is a matter of time that is my biggest impediment.

My hope is that now I seem to have a computer that works, I will not tempt fate by saying “Works Properly”, I may be able to get on top of things so that I can start doing things rather than talking about them.

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