Thursday 9 April 2009


I will admit that there is a little bit of friendly rivalry between me and one of my longest most loyal readers. Often the moment I mention seeing a particular Bird or Mammal then she goes one better. Also as she lives in real wilderness while my countryside is on the fringe the urban sprawl as well as being on another landmass, I have tried to match her sighting for sighting. All this of course is very friendly and light hearted banter between ourselves. While she also has a major advantage over my efforts is she has off spring to help her, I think I do pretty well by myself.

I tell you all this as recently the sharp eyed clan spotted a Red Tailed Hawk. Well I was beginning to turn green, and not environmentally, as while I am obtaining some good sightings, here in Britain we also have to contend with some legal restrictions on photographing and filming wildlife. There can be no disturbance of or at a nest site for many species. Not just Birds but Mammals, Amphibians etc. Therefore, in some cases I have to obtain permits to film or photograph some species. It does become a bit of a pain, even though I always put the interests of the natural history first.

As I want undisturbed images and footage I know that this takes time, effort and a lot of luck. Well today luck was on my side. Bellow is film of the Red Kites and as nice as a Red Tailed Hawk is, I still love the Kites.

Then latter I went into my office and was switching on the computer, when I spotted this Siskin Carduelis spinus on the feeder. I was quickly able to get a couple of pictures and some film before it went away. I returned a few minutes latter and it was sitting right on top of the feeder. I tried to get the camera set up again but it saw me and flew off, but not before I got a clear view of its beautiful colouration.

So while I may not have Bobcat (How do you know the cat was called Bob?), I have my own treasures to share. Who knows one day I may go over and see her wonderful wildlife for myself. That's if they issue passports to Wood Mice.


tree ocean said...

Glad you saw the kites today! :) We saw a bald eagle this am-too far away for a photo, but it did perk me up after the way the day started...

ps I put up another amphibian. LOL Tree

Wood Mouse said...

Typical I see a Kite and the Maine Hobbit sees a Golden Eagle...

I will have to concede that Americans do it bigger and better :-D

Wood Mouse said...

Well it was a Golden Eagle before it started wearing a wig

tree ocean said...

Well, I would be just as thrilled to see a kite as we don't have them here...

We do have siskins, although here ours are pine siskins and not so yellow. Looks like yours wants that black oil seed you have mixed in there. We cheat and that's all we feed-I have been through two 50 pound sacks this winter.

Willow shouted "golden eagle" at the farm today, although I have never seen them there, it is in their range. I whistled for them, and it wobbled-a sign that it could have been a turkey vulture. I wished for binoculars to confirm, as at that distance I could not see the red head to make the call. And-our Phoebes were back, calling this am-my personal sign of spring as they are insect eaters.