Friday 1 May 2009

Bees and the Media

The Media's role in the matters of real threats that needs to be highlighted. With this Influenza A sections of the media have acted irresponsibly, creating alarm and panic were it need not be created. Yet if we look at a serious problem like the death of Bees and what's become known as Colony Collapse Disorder.

People more intelligent and informed than I, say that without bees we loose one in three of every mouthful of the food we eat. As bees are so important for pollination of our crops that appears to be a reasonable assessment. Yet while the media on both sides of the Atlantic have reported on the topic, the loss of bees is actually a far greater threat to life than H1N1 could ever be. So why is the media not kicking up a stink over this?

If we lose the pollination by bees we lose many important food crops. The loss of about forty percent of food production will cause more deaths than influenza ever could. Part of the reason is that CCD is a complex problem and the media like to paint all our problems with simple broad brush strokes. However even though the reasons for the deaths of our bees is complex with many factors, there are two facts that are now established.

The bees are suffering from a depleted or suppressed immune system. This in combination with the Varroa Mite is making the bees submit to the viruses that all bees live with. Just in the same way that normally healthy humans can live happy healthy lives while carrying a number of viruses and bacterium. The key to understanding Colony Collapse Disorder and hence resolving the problem and stopping the deaths of bees is looking at the probable causes for the bees immune system being suppressed.

All the research points to two main sources of the agent(s) that are effecting the immune system of Bees. This is they systemic insecticides that are now being used. The primary culprit is Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). While I am generally sceptical of GM, my primary concern is the lack of testing to ensure they are safe. If Genetically Modified Organisms were subject to the same tests that are required for drugs, and passed, I would be less opposed to them. In fact I may even embrace them. So this is not a diatribe about GM. But as the insecticide is in the plant in GMOs and bees are insects, there clearly is a link.

The other main suspect is the Neo-Nicotinoids. This is a new class of insecticides based on Nicotine and is frequently used as a seed treatment. It is when used as a seed treatment that it becomes a systemic insecticide and helps control aphids and other insect pests. Now while modern pesticides are much more targeted than the original ones like DDT, research has shown that bees are effected by the Neo-Nicotinoids and lead to a ban by the French of this class of chemicals. While it has not totally stopped the Bee deaths there, French Bees are healthier and there are fewer incidents of CCD.

Part of the difficulty with pinpointing the exact cause of Colony Collapse Disorder is that the Neo-Nicotinoids and GMOs only cause what is known as a sub lethal dose of the active ingredient. It is this sub lethal dose that is poisoning the bees but not alone killing the Bees. Add to this the parasite the Varroa Mite and it looks as though there is a definitive cause for CCD.

However, as the issue is complex and the media are not willing to upset their advertisers, the chemical companies, seed companies, and big business in general, the media does not look in depth at the issue nor attempt to understand the implications. Just as Climate Change was never taken seriously as the Car companies would withdraw advertising when running articles or programmes on the topic.

The loss of Bees would lead to two billion people starving to death. Even at its worst case scenario level, influenza A (Swine Flu, N1H1) could only take fifty or sixty million lives. Therefore what is the real threat to humanity?

1 comment:

tree ocean said...

Maybe it is because not a lot is known about the cause of CCD. There is not much that the general public can do other than protest for solid answers.

Conversely, by learning better hygiene and staying home when ill could help keep others healthy.

When I was a kid we always covered our coughs and sneezes with our hands-something most folks here over 40 still do, if they bother at all.

btw CDC here is now saying that this flu variant does not appear to be as dangerous as initially thought-so you may turn out to be right after all-although I still prefer to err on the side of caution.