Saturday 2 May 2009

Birds in the Back Yard

This morning I set my alarm for silly O'Clock, but when it went off I just turned it off and went back to sleep. So, I did not get out to film as I had planned.

Therefore I was sitting in my office when I saw one of the pair of Collard Doves came and sat on the roof of what used to be the outhouse. It was the way that the bird was cocking its head that fascinated me. I was not sure if the bird could see me or was looking at something in the yard, or in the sky. I could not see what the bird could see. Finally it dropped into the yard to feed. As I leaned forward to see what the dove was doing, I saw the shadow of A Sparrow hawk. I looked up and caught sight of it briefly. I did the mad mouse dash, but I could not see where it went.

I also decided that as I had not gone off to film, I would go and get the feed for the birds. I am going through quite a bit and while I still had some seed as the birds have empted one feeder by getting it now I would not run out.

As I was on the bus and just over the river, I saw a Kestrel. I did wonder if it was the same one I had seen the other day, its in the same general area so this may be its territory.

In Consett I went to a different Pet Shop to get my bird seed. I had been told of a different one and I was glad that I did. Apart from them being cheaper, they have a better range and the meal worms are a good price. So I think I will end up with fat birds.

When I got home, there was my regular Blackbird singing his heart out. I would loved to have filmed him but to record the song I would have had to open the back door and that would have frightened him off. So I enjoyed it while I put my shopping away. Eventually I had to open the back door and it did make the Blackbird fly off. But as I filled the feeders, I had five sparrows sitting on my guttering waiting for me.

I was glad not to have gone out filming today as I have seen more at home.

Anyway here's a bit of film I took earlier of an Eastern Grey Squirrel

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