Tuesday 19 May 2009


Today (Monday), I was in the kitchen cooking my evening meal and doing the washing up. The sun was sliding down in the sky as the rain clouds cleared, casting a golden light into my yard. I noticed the shadow of a couple of birds on the wall and looked at the main feeder, but there was nothing on it. Getting on with my chores, I realised the shadow was still there. So I looked at the seed feeder again and while there was a sparrow there, I realised the shadow was being cast be the Niger feeder.

There on the Niger Feeder were two Goldfinches! In the soft golden light of the dipping sun their colourful plumage was a delight to see. I don't know if they saw me or if they had feed to their fill but they flew off before I could dry my hands, to grab a camera.

The feeders are proving really successful this year. The other day when ever I looked out of the window, there was a flock of birds, mainly Sparrows and Starlings, on the feeder or the ground. I also had the Blackbird pair coming backwards and forwards taking the Meal Worms and on three occasions I saw the Collared Doves. It made the chore of housework (to me that's a swear word) go much faster than I would have thought.

And to follow on from my previous posting, the Cranberry Sausages were fantastic.   

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