Saturday 23 May 2009

The World Turned Upside Down

I have just sat and watched the news and weather on television tonight and I am really confused. The weather forecast is for bright sunny conditions, yet this is a Bank Holiday weekend, by tradition we are supposed to have rain! It looks like everything I have ever know and believed in is has broken down. Quite simply this news has placed me in a state of shock.

This follows the Speaker of the House of Common Criminals being pushed out by the Members of parliament because they were rather cross with him for allowing them (the MPs) to fraudulently claim for all sorts of things that they should not have been claiming for. Perhaps I had not realised that the MPs were begging the speaker to change the expenses and allowances rules so that the MPs could be saved from their own greed. I really need to watch the news more often so that I can stay in touch with what's really going on.

The House of Common Criminals now needs a new speaker, may I suggest that the MPs all get headphones instead. At least in parliament there is now a consensus that this was a really rotten system, and the MPs could hardly bring themselves to milk it for all it was worth.

Well at least the British public has learnt something, when you get caught in a financial fraud all you need to do is claim that finance and accountancy is not your strong point...

It is now clear to me why the MPs did not want their expenses revealed to the public, it was that they were saving all this so that they could become comedy writers after they all come out of prison. After all only a comic genius could think that claim for a duck island or five hundred bags of manure was essential to your work as an MP.

And here was I despairing at British politics, at least in America it is interesting, electing the first Black President and straight after the first Mentally Disabled President.

There is a serious point to this though, as with the majority of MPs bringing parliament and democracy into disrepute could lead to people voting for extreme right wing parties.

While it could be said that we are living in interesting times, when you have a government that has allowed the banks to bankrupt the country and the politicians have borrowed eye watering sums of money, it really makes me wonder what planet our leaders have come from.

Well at least when we go into administration we will now not have the money to add to the the carbon pollution and Britain will be the first Zero Carbon Economy. Either that or the first Zero Economy.

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