Monday 25 May 2009

The First Cooking Video

I know that I have kept people in suspense regarding this for too long, but I did post the video last week on You Tube. As I have also started a new Blog relating specifically to Food, Farming and Cooking, I wanted to see if folks could find it, as I am well aware that there are plenty of other folks who are doing similar things.

While many of the issues relating to food and farming are environmental and could sit fully here, I am also aware that for some folks any mention of the environment turns people off. Anyone who is concerned about the environment will know that glazed look you get at any mention of environmental issues. However, with the cooking blog, while I will not shy away from the environment, I will hopefully be encouraging people to think about their food and the options that are less environmentally damaging.

It was funny (strange coincidence) that one of my long suffering readers said that she was looking forward to seeing the cooking videos, and that comment was the spark of inspiration for this posting. That was last night for me, as I was checking my mail in a break from wandering around the village trying to track and follow the Fox family that's about. Yes I did see them, watch this space for a latter posting. (Blatant bribery to get folks to return here)

However, it meant that I was not up till late this morning, good job its a bank holiday. On the radio was woman's hour, I am an honorary woman so am allowed to listen, and they had a special for the bank holiday on Marguerite Pattern. For those folks that are not aware of Marguerite Pattern, she came to the public attention during the second world war when she did cooking demonstrations on the wireless (radio) when she worked for the Ministry of Food. Therefore in Britain she was the first “celebrity” chef. Although she dislikes being called a celebrity chef.

As she is ninety-three and still has a mind that is sharp, I like to hear her wisdom, and she really has wisdom to share. During the interview she talked about the very issues that were the catalyst for me doing the Food Blog and the Cooking Videos.

If I had any doubts about doing this, the cooking videos, and I have had many, I really felt them melt away. While I am well aware that keeping a web log of any type is rather self indulgent. But I write about the issues that interest me and much to my surprise there are one or two people out there that seem to be interested too. Mind you I seem to have a few cat readers too, but I think they read it because I mention birds and they think its a food channel.

Anyway I hope my regular reader will provide some feedback on this new video, good or bad, and I hope that you my loyal reader enjoys it too.

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