Saturday 21 February 2009

Shop Local - Save Money

After yesterdays tiring and hungry day, I was up quite late. I am talking just before ten and that is like staying in bed until mid afternoon for most folks. Part of the problem was that where I had not eaten for most of the previous day, I was uncomfortable even though I had not eaten anymore and probably less than normal, I felt like I had eaten three dinners.

When I did get up I was pottering about, and while I was downloading some podcasts, I glanced up and saw a very large flock of geese flying across the horizon. They were about half a mile distant but this flock was about one thousand birds. My Camera was down stairs, I rushed to get it and while I got some footage of the skein of geese but it was shaky and the telegraph pole was in the way and as the real beauty of the sight had passed. Were these geese just going to feed or were they starting to migrate? That may not be as daft as it sounds, as they do start moving to feeding grounds to fatten up just before making the long journey up to the Arctic Tundra. A place like the Solway Firth is where the Geese could be heading. My feet are getting a strange itch, it is a pity that m bank just announced losses of 11 billion and I cannot afford this.

Talking about the bank, I had to go and pay in a couple of cheques today. Well I still need to pay the bills and things, it struck me that if I could stop eating, and I would save a fortune. In a previous post I talked about the way that the club card points that my supermarket issues is a useful measure of what I spend on food. Well this week the next quarters have arrived. Last time it was seven pounds, which equates to seven hundred pounds spent. This time it was only Four pounds fifty, four hundred and fifty pounds spent. Where I have made the savings is by using the butcher and the Green Grocers. While not a complete record, I kept a note and I spent a hundred pounds or so there. Thus I saved a hundred and fifty pounds by not being conned by the supermarkets.

I was a little indulgent as I went to a cafe that’s a little bit like an American dinner, and had a full English breakfast. Well my doctor said I needed to do something about my cholesterol. I don’t do it often but it was a really nice change.

I also have been playing again and bellow is another of the bits and bobs I have been filming.

1 comment:

tree ocean said...

That sounded like a bad day with all that waiting around!!

Must be in the air-I didn't get up until nearly 9 yesterday which is very late for me!

I read that the cost of food had gone up 5% here in a year. Seems like way more with some things-and some items just took a big hike a week or two ago as well. :(