Tuesday 16 September 2008

Beavers are Coming

When I posted yesterdays bit of nonsense, I was trying to remember what the collective term was for a flock of goldfinches was, but I was not sure so I looked it up today and its a Charm of Goldfinches. Now if that doesn't generate a smile then I don't know what will.

I have had a smile on my face most of today as I have had various snippets of information that has come my way today. I had wanted to go out today but the weather would have risked me getting the video camera rather wet, so I postponed that until I have a dryer day. However being home meant that I was here to get some rather important phone calls.

While not the first of them, one was on a topic that I have posted on previously that of reintroducing Beavers back into the UK. Already a licence has been granted for this to happen in Scotland, and locally a plan is being drawn up for this to happen in this area. With the flooding events this plan is now being made public, and why I can now talk about it now, as the way that beavers manage their habitat will have some serious benefits in helping prevent flooding events in the future.

While there is some serious opposition to the planned reintroduction of Beavers, here in the North East we have learnt some very positive lessons from the reintroduction of the Red Kites. By being open and public about the reintroduction of the Kites the public were on the side of the birds. By doing the same with the Beavers, again there is likely to be considerable public support.

Further, data from a similar program in Latvia and Lithuania it was discovered that for every six thousand Euros spent on the reintroduction of the Beavers there, the Beavers created sixty thousand Euros worth of flood defences. That would have been the cost if they had to be build by man. If anything shows the value of protecting wildlife then this is it.

With Climate Change causing more extreme weather events, it really is this type of solution that will be the only cost effective way of lessening the effects of that reality. I will be looking forward to the day that I can tell you folks that I have seen my first Beaver.

Also because I did not go out filming today I was able to get on with doing some more editing, and here are a pair of Soldier Beetles copulating.

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