I can always tell when I need to do some laundry as I either run out of or come close to running out of knickers. So I realised Saturday that I would need to get some washing done on Sunday. As I don't have a washing machine that means doing it the old fashioned way, in the bath. Now to go off on a tangent, my cat has for some years preferred to drink from a running tap. She will often fuss me and call me to turn the tap on to do this. Even though there will be a bowl of fresh water for her in the kitchen. Well today she heard the tap running and was into the bath room like a shot. She came back out just as quickly leaving a trail of wet paw prints trailing through the house.
If anyone has tried to dry a cat you will know that its not easy. Finally she settled down on my bed so I knew that I would need to change the bedding too. Thanks Trouble, thats the cats name “Trouble”
I also thought that it was a good opportunity to get some housework done. Now before any of my female readers start fainting from shock, I do housework like a man, badly! I do try and keep on top of it, but I would rather spend my time walking or reading. That said I do try to keep the place fit for anyone who may call round.
I was in the middle of running around with the vacuum cleaner, next time I may turn it on, when there was a knock at the door. It appears that my mobile has ceased to work. Well I hope I did not disturb to many people around the world when I cheered at that news. But it meant that someone who had wanted to contact me was not able to. I told him that he could have called my land line or even sent me an email, but instead he had driven over. Some people just don't think about Climate change.
Well as interesting as what he told me was, I declined his request for me to help with a project he and his friends have undertaken. While I can and do get involved with conservation work, there is a limit to what I can do as an individual. Also, I prefer to get involved with conservation that benefits wildlife and is not just for benefit of people. This particular project they were advised, by a professional ecologist, risked damaging habitat rather than improving it.
So I was free to enjoy my Sunday. Well apart from the housework that is. However, as my mobile has died, I thought I should check on other people who may have needed to contact me and to let important contacts know that my mobile was now defunct. A couple of people I called, but I passed the good news (do you like mobile phones?) on by email. While I did the a decidedly damp cat came and sat on my lap.
While sitting at the computer, the phone rang. It was my friend for whom I had said I would walk her dog. I had just mailed her, and it made her realise that my offer had been a genuine one. So could she divert her sister who was coming to see her so that I could walk the dog. While it was a change to my plans, I had got some of my place sorted out, so why not.
I just grabbed my binoculars and jacket and was ready to go. Because of where my friend lives I knew exactly where I could take the dog. Also as my friend had not been able to do more than take her dog out to do her business, she needed to have a good walk. Telling her where I was going everyone was happy.
I went to the wood that I had discovered and we went round the laid trails. It was great for me as I was able to work out what parts of the wood and habitat were worth looking at more carefully. It is full of fungi at the moment and I think that there will be places that will be great for wild flowers in the spring too. Now I have always assumed that trying to watch wildlife with a dog would not be that successful, but as this dog is so well behaved I was delighted when I saw a Deer and she just laid at my feet while we waited for the Deer to move on. Also its clear that the dog was genuinely pleased to please me.
Although we both nearly ended up in the dog house as we were both rather mud splattered when we got back. The dog really enjoyed getting a hose down, I less so. But at least I would dry off walking home.
While I was walking the dog, I did not see a single person in the wood or on the footpaths. It is strange but so many people just go to the places where everyone else goes and then complain that they cant get the peace they seek. Well the peace is there off the beaten track.
7 years ago
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