Last night it looked as though I had found myself in trouble. A couple of weeks ago as I reported here, I was told of a Deer that had given birth in the corner of a field next to a local village near here. I have gone out looking and I had seen the Roe Deer active in the general location and decided to take the Camera out. With any form of night video work I settled down prepared for a long wait. The camera was on the tripod and the IR light set up ready. The way that I am finding it useful to work is to switch the light on and use the camera to scan the area in short bursts. That way I preserve battery life but keep the camera ready to start filming should I get any animal in my range.
As well as the hoped for deer I also expected to see foxes rabbits and possibly a badger. What was quite nice was that I had found myself quite a nice comfortable place to sit with the camera so that I had a clear view of the area I needed to watch. I had been there for about an hour when I saw a man out walking his dog. With the IR I could see him coming towards me. Then he must have seen me as he let the dog off the lead and called out. I came out of my cover and explained what I was doing and everything seemed fine. Then less than half an hour later I spotted another person with a dog, but this person was a police officer with a police dog.
It has not been the first time that I have been stopped by the police, nor will it be the last. But this time I was being threatened with arrest unless I moved on. This I objected to as I was not doing anything unlawful. In the end I agreed to go to the police station until they could verify who I was.
While I fully understand that the police have an important job to do, and while watching and filming wildlife may be an eccentric thing to do, it is a rather harmless thing to do. However the upshot was that I did not get to see much and I had to waste several hours while the checked that I was who I said I was and that I lived where I said. I was glad that I had film on the tape of wildlife as that demonstrated that I was not just a burglar who had stolen the video camera. I did get an apology of sorts but it was prefixed with “Well what should I expect”.
I have never had a problem with the police before, and I had proof of identity on me. I think what hacked off the police officer was that he got wet and muddy. Then because I would not just go home, well that made him feel that I was not respecting his authority. In fact as I was given a lift home, by two other officers, they acknowledged that I was doing nothing that should have warranted what happened.
Well the events generated a blog posting at least but I would have preferred to have been talking about the wildlife.
7 years ago
I'm sorry Wood Mouse, but Britain has gone further down the fascist path than America has.
You are a local citizen, easily recognizable. You are filming nature, and this is proved by what is on your camera. You are bothering no one. Nevetheless some good Nazi reports you to the police, and they take you in.
There was no excuse for either action.
What a world, what a world...
*seconds anonymous' comment*...Tree
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